SysGauge Pro / Ultimate / Server 11.5.38 Full
SysGauge is a system and performance monitoring utility allowing one to monitor the CPU usage, memory usage, network transfer rate, operating system performance, the status and resource usage of running processes, file system performance, USB performance, disk space usage, disk read activity, disk write activity, disk read transfer rate, disk write transfer rate, disk read IOPS and disk write IOPS for individual logical disks or all physical disks installed in the computer.
The SysGauge GUI application provides a single, customizable GUI module and a number of dedicated GUI modules especially designed for each specific monitoring task such as system status monitoring, CPU monitoring, memory monitoring, process monitoring, system status analysis, disk monitoring, NAS server monitoring and network monitoring. The monitor selector, which is located on the left-side of the SysGauge GUI application, allows one to add, edit and delete specific monitoring GUI modules.
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