About Us
CRACKSurl is a free site with daily updated softwares. Our aim is to provide you latest updated software everyday!
History of CRACKSurl
- 2012-11-02 – CRACKSurl.blogspot.com launched
- 2015-01-28 – Google suspended our CRACKSurl.blogspot.com url
- 2015-01-29 – Moved to new domain, CRACKSurl.com
- 2017-03-17 – Again Google, suspended our blogger account
- 2017-03-20 – Moving on WordPress Powered Hosting Server
- 2017-03-23 – The New CRACKSurl Powered by WordPress launched
- 2020-09-08 – Hosting Server Changed
- 2021-08-29 – Hosting Server Changed
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Copyright Infringement: We do not store any copyright protected content in our Blog. All the contents are stored only in third-party web sites. If your copyrighted material has been posted on CRACKSurl, then please contact us and we will take proper action against your complaint
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Reversing Teams:
FALLEN - PRF - DiSiRE - BGSPA - rG - DVT - LAXiTY - BLiZZARD - PH - FSOCIETY - ASA - CiN1 - RED - RNDD - IMPosTOR - MPT - MESMERiZE - Lz0 - D.H.Crew - CRD - X-FORCE - AMPED - R2R - AoRE - AT4RE - URET - RePT - REiS - SnD - EDGE - FFF - Under SEH [UST] - ZWT - SSG - BRD - Embrace - CORE - TSRh - TPoRT - TMG - AGAiN - BTCR - CiO - RLTS
Individual Reversers & Suppliers:
ChVL - Soda120 - H Hayat - Orthodox - de! - Cerberus - bb2018 - Astron - Sternog - yaschir - The Hidden 2000 - Go2Crck - Warez_Down - Ali.Dbg - OnLyOnE - UZ1 - Ghost0507 - RadiXX11 - xanax - dickmaster - pawel97 - Kindly - DeltaFox - ADMIN@CRACK - PainteR - XenoCoder - Beta Master - DrZero - chessman101 - DimitarSerg
nsaneforums - forum.ru-board.com - TC - webscene.ir
and all others in Scenes or in the Dark...
Thanks to our Donors:
- Xiang Xu
- Jean Leramont
- Hajime Nishio
- J-Y Gagnon
- Manuel
- Giovanni Calzolari
- Matt
- Marco Rapp
- michael tonkin
- Luigi Parisotto
- iFish
- Rider
- l k
- Tetsuji
- jcxpto
- Xiang Xu
- Peter Manfrass
- Chris Edwards
- Trung Pham
- Florencio Raul Suarz Blacido
- Thuan Nguyen
- J N (Mr. Max Snow)
- jsoue enciso
- Javier Merino Sesma
- dervid jungco
- Gary Cason
- James Fox
- mikael renman
- Evandro Castro Maia
- Clovis Marks
- Neo PhobiA
- Eric Xu
- NG T
- dervid jungco
- Ayman Abouelamaym
- Pen Pin
- Sans Nom
- Majo Forgac
- Okola Apoudi
- snow
- Mr Fombasto
- Anyone Don Cam
- phoenix
- KHacK
- damcko
- Heavyarms
- none
- steven
- Strikerfox
- GeMaSW
- l k
- canned
- and all our supporters & helpers