22 January 2025
CCleaner Professional / Business / Technician 6.32.11432 (x64) with Keygen
Malicious content can come uninvited from the information superhighway, leftovers after removing programs have an impact on performance, and broken registries can cause serious compatibility issues, and an antivirus solution doesn’t offer complete protection. However, performing periodic scans and cleaning can keep your PC in good shape. One of the applications which can aid in this situation is CCleaner, equipped with all tools needed to scrub every bit of your computer.
Download Links
- Block CCleaner in your Firewall
- Delete the file ‘CCleaner.dat’ before applying the Patch
Previous Fix for v5
- Download CCleaner Activator-Dukun Cabul
- Download Piriform All Products Keymaker-CORE
- Download Piriform Bundle Activator v1.1-DFoX
- CCleaner Tool v1.3 + Activator By ActVer
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very nice. Thank you
AmazinG. Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work.
CCleaner All Editions Keygen Crack is NOT working please upload in other sites (ex: zippyshare, 4shared)…and make a mirror when there is problem with the server.
thank you very much
Download links TE and BE do not work.
Seems to be a problem from Piriform, though…
Links work again… strange.
Ehhh everything i try and download gets flagged by defender for having a trojan
YEAH, it is cauz you are an idiot…….
Hi, how could I send you the link of the PRO and SLIM version? I see that it is the one that is missing.
Link Professional:
Link Slim:
Okay Added
the names and serial numbers given by the keygen don t match and the software can t be registered
it’s me again. i used the serial number generated by PIRIFORM BUNDLE ACTIVATOR and this time everything worked fine. the software is now registered. thanks very much to the administration of this site
Veo que no an subido la version 5.73.x para los que lo instalen y les aparesca que la licencia esta caducada solo hay que agregar la siguiente pagina al host de windows
Excuse me, can you reupload this link CCleaner Tool v1.3 + Activator By ActVer
Thank you very much
add in the host license.piriform.com http://www.license.piriform.com speccy.piriform.com http://www.speccy.piriform.com recuva.piriform.com http://www.recuva.piriform.com defraggler.piriform.com http://www.defraggler.piriform.com ccleaner.piriform.com http://www.ccleaner.piriform.com
Keymaker-CORE NOT working!
select bundle edition key
La version 5.86 ya no es activable, dice licencia expirada…. license.piriform.com license-api.ccleaner.com
Con estas 2 ya se soluciona lo de la licencia expirada en la version 5.86.x, con la segunda ya queda, pero la primera fue de las versiones anteriores asi que las deje tambien.
Comprobado gracias
New CCleaner Pro Universal Activator by Thirdzky:
*Activates CCleaner to Professional version.
*No Registration Name, Just Registration Key.
*Disables App Improvement Sharing app-usage data.
*Disables 1st Party product offers through sharing app-usage data.
*Disables 3rd Party product offers through Sharing app-usage data.
*Blocks all possible connection for license verification.
*Blocks unwanted connection to 3rd Party.
Okay I had a review on the ‘CCleaner Pro Universal Activator by Thirdzky’ and just did some improvements:
If you are no Programmer you may stop reading here.
Hi Thirdzky
Greating to Philippines.
Well wanna go off being a ‘citizen programmer’ well here are some hints:
* Do we really need F2KO Bat To Exe Converter?
It doesn’t really converts things.
It’s just a wrapper that extracts silently runs and afterwards deletes the script.
It’ll trigger many more or less false positive antivirus alerts.
* Btw antivirus. Why the script adds for ex. ncc.avast.com to \etc\hosts file?
I don’t run any antivirus however why is it there?
Be more cautious about using absolut paths:
* in CCScript.bat one time you used %WINDIR% while somewhere else
you use ‘C:\WINDOWS’
* Path=C:\Program Files\CCleaner is not very flexible.
In Advanced SFX options just enter
“CCleaner” and let the option ‘Create in “Program Files”‘
Or enter %ProgramW6432%\CCleaner to always use 64-bit ProgramFiles folder
* you can use sub routines in a batch file.
call :myFunction :: That’s the call
echo Hello SubFunction
goto :eof :: That’s the return
* … and there variables.
Set myVar=fooBar
echo %myVar
* This snipped may:
@for %%i in () DO Call :myFunction %%i
a lot of repetitive ‘code noise’ and’ll make ya script
smaller and more easy maintainable.
Best Regards
CCleaner Patch-XoRaX no longer works, CCleaner v6.18.10824 Technician Edition remains unregistered and unactivated after patching.
Use this Patch password: 676
Delete the file ‘CcLeaner.dat’ before applying the Patch and also Block CCleaner in your Firewall