Indigo Rose Setup Factory with Fix

A powerful application that will enable you to create professional-grade installers for your software packages with minimal efforts Having a software product that is appreciated and sought after depends a lot on the initial impression it makes on the user and usually the very first contact is with the installer which sets up the product onto a computer. If this package is put together and presented in an attractive yet professional manner, a good deal of the road towards the goal is traveled from the get-go. Through a friendly and well organized interface, the utility manages to cover a lot of areas, including dependencies that have to go with the packaged product, uninstallation options and supported operating systems


  • Create Professional Windows Installers
  • Advanced Installer Features that are Easy to Use
  • Installer Scripting Language for 100% Flexibility
  • Customizable Install Wizard Dialogs and Themes
  • Compact Setup.exe for Web, CD/DVD, USB & LAN
  • 100% Windows Compatibility – Ready for Windows 10 today!


Download Indigo Rose Setup Factory Cr4cked-Kindly

Download Indigo Rose Setup Factory Cr4cked-Kindly

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