14 January 2025
Revo Uninstaller Pro 5.3.5 with License key
Revo Uninstaller Pro helps you to uninstall software and remove unwanted programs installed on your computer easily! With its advanced and fast algorithms, Revo Uninstaller analyzes an application’s data before uninstall and scans for remnants after the uninstall of a program. After the program’s regular uninstaller runs, you can remove additional unnecessary files, folders and registry keys that are usually left over on your computer. To remove a program completely and without leaving a trace you can monitor all system changes made during its installation, and then use that information to uninstall it with one click only – simple and easy! Full native 64-bit support.
Download Revo Uninstaller Pro Installer
Download Revo Uninstaller Pro Portable
Revo Uninstaller Pro v5 License & Crack
- Revo Uninstaller Pro v5 License – pawel97 & H_Hayat
- Revo Uninstaller Pro v5.x Portable Crack -pawel97
- Revo Uninstaller Pro v5.x Portable Crack – ADMINCRACK
For Installer
Copy the license file “revouninstallerpro4.lic” to
“C:\ProgramData\VS Revo Group\Revo Uninstaller Pro” or “%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\VS Revo Group\Revo Uninstaller Pro“
For Portable
Copy the cracks to both x64 & x86 folders and the RevoUninstallerPro_Portable folder
Previous Fix:
Revo Uninstaller Pro v4 License & Crack
- Revo Uninstaller Pro v4 License – pawel97
- Revo Uninstaller Pro v4 License – H_Hayat
- Revo Uninstaller Pro v4.x Portable Crack -pawel97
- Revo Uninstaller Pro v4.x Portable Crack – ADMINCRACK
- Revo Uninstaller Pro v4.x Activator-H_Hayat
- Revo Uninstaller Toolbox-Tux 528
- Revo Uninstaller Pro v4 License – Unlimited Trial License
- Revo.Uninstaller.Pro.v4.2.1.Patch-AT4RE
- Revo Uninstaller Pro v4.x MrSzzS-New
- Revo Uninstaller Pro v4 License – URET
- Revo Uninstaller Pro v4 License – UZ1
- Revo Uninstaller Pro v4.x MrSzzS
- Revo Uninstaller Pro v4.0.1 Portable Crack – Go2Crck
- Revo Uninstaller Pro v4.0.1 Portable Crack – Go2Crck
Revo Uninstaller Pro v3 License Registrator & Patch
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after copy the license file to the correct directory, rebooted PC but still says Register and I have 29 days remaining for the trial. This is the installer
As in the readme file :C:\ProgramData\VS Revo Group\Revo Uninstaller Pro”
Well, Program Data no longer exists in Windows version 1903 (OS Build 18362.356).
So where will I put the license file?
Please open program at least once, then the folder automatically created
I opened a couple of times but no Program Data directory or folder under C:/
which one you tried, portable or installer ?
Same problem here. I’m trying the installer.
I found the problem, the folder ProgramData is ocult by default, just select show hidden itens that you can find the folder to paste the archive. Now the program have a lot of days to expire, Works very nice. Thanks!!!
I could not get
It’s 100% work bro
Installer directly to the laptop
I found the problem, the Program Data under C:\ appeared when I selected Show hidden files and extensions. Sorry for causing all the trouble and it’s working great now. Thank you so much
Sir admin
is there any cracked updated version of win xp ??
Plz help
win xp is already obsolete. There’s no such thing as updated version for that OS.
my pc is very old , any suggestion ? tnxx
Dopo XP dovrebbe installarsi con il sistema W_7
Se riesci come ho eseguito io ad installare sul Pc W_7 e XP i 2 sistemi, vai su W_7 e il programma scartella anche XP.
Alamaakkkk… Mantaabbbb.
Muito obrigado!!!
Funcionou 100%
Revo Uninstaller Pro 4.0 registrator by MaRk15
its a ripped one and the registrator using URET License
Many Thx 😉
Thank you very much! It worked for me!
lam the nao vay ban??
Not working here
you need to delete the previous license (v3)
Where is old license file?
I do not have the option to enter a username or key. You can not throw a screenshot here. How to avoid this?
agree with you!!
not working on 4.0.1 version. and how to uninstall previous v3 licence?
how about version 4.0.5 portable
Where is old license file?
With crack there is an expiration date (when clicking “about”). In my case it’s 10/1/2019, What happens after that date?
me too
We are going to be needing a new crack. This one expires in about two months.
Amazing post Thanks for Shearing. I read your Blog every day. Please write more about these topics.it very helpful for me. Please write more about these topics.
I see a new crack is here. One that keeps Revo technically as full functioning Trial but doesn’t expire until 2100. Pretty cool trick as the other 3 cracks are all set to expire in a couple of days as Revo is a subscription model. Thanks for this.
The Unlimited Trial License is the only one that now works. The other three are outdated and won’t work anymore until they update their cracks.
I see the expired cracks have been taken down. This site really stays on top of things. Very good stuff. Now if only you guys will update crack for “ez cd audio converter”. The program still updates regularly but no one bothers to crack it anymore. Bummer for me.
Tried the new crack by MrSzzS and while using Revo Pro, I got a message saying not a valid license sending me to the Revo website. That’s not good. I put the unlimited trail crack back in.
Thanks for the kind comments,
about ez cd audio converter, we removed the previous version from our site because of DMCA notice and we cannot post ez cd audio converter topic,
sorry for the inconvenience
Added new license by pawel97
Patch is not working for version revopro 4.2.1
awsome work.
Thx! Working 100%!!!!
thank you so much
none of the links work….
Updated, Thanks
is there any keygen? thank
Thanx!!LOL,29065 days….
Total Uninstall from Martau is missing here??
Just follow the instruction for Portable version but it not working. Already copy the crack to the x64, x86 and the RevoUninstallerPro_Portable folder.
I could make it work by installing the Pawel97’s license for portable, but not by following the instructions in this website but the instructions inside a readme in the zip file, which are the following:
Block the program in firewall “RevoUnPro.exe” (available in x86 & x64 Folder)
Copy both files (license.dat & settings.ini) to: RevoUninstallerPro_Portable folder
Thanks! I can confirm that the portable version works well with the pawel97 license