Wing Pro 10.0.6 (Win/macOS/Linux) Full

Wing IDE Professional is a full-featured Python IDE designed for professional programmers. It includes powerful editor, code intelligence, refactoring, debugging, search, unit testing, project management, and revision control features. The Wing IDE layout is straightforward, with the editor window being its central fixture. Supporting panes, source browser, runtime output and debug panes and so on, are arranged on the periphery.

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Features of Wing IDE Pro

  • Type less and to the worry about the details. Get instant feedback by writing your Python code in an interactive manner in runtime directly. Easy to navigate the code and documentation.
  • Avoid the common errors and early problem detection with the help from the analysis of Python code depth of Wing. Keeping code clean with restructuring smart and check code quality.
  • Debugging any Python code whatsoever. Test data debugging and trying to fix the effect without restarting your application. Working locally or on a remote server, VM or container.
  • The editor of the Wing to increase the speed of development in Python interactive documentation and auto-completion context detection error inline and analyze code quality, enforce PEP 8, support calls, automatic correction, re-structure, folding code, multi select, custom code snippets and much more the Wings can simulate vi, emacs, Eclipse, Visual Studio, XCode, and MATLAB.
  • The debugger of the Wing helps to easily fix and write Python code new in an interactive way. Use the stops there are conditions to isolate a problem, then step through the code, test data, test the fixes with the command line of the Debug Console, see the value and debugging recursive. You can debug code multi-process and multi-threading is launched from the IDE, which is stored in the frame web, which is called from a Python version embedded or running on the remote server, VM or container. Wing also provides the view array and frame data for the mission data analysis and science.
  • Wing makes it easy to access the code with defined goto, find use, find the icon in the project, only the icon editor, the browser module and class, search based on keyboard and search multi files, powerful. Access history is stored automatically, so you can instantly return code was accessed earlier. Or identify, and browse through the bookmarks are categorized automatically track when code changes.
  • Development support based on testing with the frame of testing the smallest, doctest, nose, pytest and Django. Not check easy diagnostic and fix errors with debugging, strong of Wing and you can write new code interactively in the run-time context directly be set by a unit test.
  • Development support from are the quick configuration of the Wing provides all the features of the Wing in a seamless way and safe for the Python code running on the server, VM or container from far away. Can develop from to storage running OS X, and Linux, including containers, Raspberry Pi, WSL, and Vagrant.
  • Offers hundreds of configuration options affect the simulation editor, the display theme, color syntax, layout, UI, and much more. Easy switching to and from dark mode, zoom interface for presentations and meetings and use the perspective to manage the configuration UI-specific tasks. Features new IDE can be added by writing Python code to call the API scenario of the Wing. You can even develop and debug the script extension with his Wing.
  • Wing support project management and revision control with Git, Mercurial, Perforce, Bazaar, Subversion and CVS. Other features include support for virtualenv, a tool diff / merge, switch type, indent and execute the command line OS. Wing runs on Windows, OS X and Linux, at the same time support the development remote for Raspberry Pi and ARM devices Linux other.

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